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What was Ur ST for now?

Most of us have our own special moment at our life time..

2 day, felt like I really want to share mine.
this morning, alhamdulillah can have morning bath without felt being pushed by samwan [he2, i am those one who thinks that bathing is only needed when it is needed, it is not the daily routine as praying or taking wudhu :P]..

there are Sinzhui soap on the bathroom..
unwantingly [halah..], my mind takes me to those moment of having so up-down heart felt those moment hurt..exactly at the same time, also felt the warm of the love hung over between me n him..

so unexplainable..
those moment were over 4 years ago, but the felt was so real, warm ..
and all were just because of the smell of that Sinzhui soap [emoticon binunQ nang endhi yak..]

then, lets move to some songs..
at this one, I have so many Sound Tracks of many memorizing moments in my life..
some are I Love You from Saigon Kick..Gigi with their Janjiku [am I rite?]..#1 Slank..some were almost forgotten :(

all those repeating feeling were happened many times..
can not counting them and telling you on numbers..
felt so georgious, blessing n happy with it..--sadness were only the side i dont want to remember :)..

now, can you tell me yours?

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  1. Halaahh...
    enggris'e seh keren, lha tapi koq onok promosi sabun toh yooo..
    bikin kulit TAMPAK lebih putih. Jadi cuma tampak doang, kaga beneran putih, huehehehe


  2. 2 ~reth~

    wis genti mo isuk :D
    jadi Dove, hi10x..

    trus, hubby nggowo citra teh hijau :D
    kinclong deh aq :P


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